Friday, 12 June 2015

Shaun in the City - Shirley's Trail

Shirley’s Trail is a trail as part of Shaun in the City, exploring landmarks starting from Tate Modern, heading into the areas around St. Pauls and ending off at the Barbican Centre. There are in total 13 sculptures on this trail which covers 3km.
19. Br-ewe-nel - Tate Modern - Bankside
20. To Sheep Perchance to Dream - The Globe Theatre - Peter's Hill

21. Sheep Shape & Bristol Fashion - Peter's Hill - Gavin Strange
22. Out of this World - City of London Information Centre - Josh & Aimee Williams
23. Baa-roque - St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Paul’s Churchyard - Sadie Butler
24. Literary Lamb - Temple Bar - P J Crook
25. Hamish - Paternoster Square - Ros Franklin
26. Chelsea Pen-Shaun-er - The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Gardens, St. Paul’s Cathedral - in honour of The Chelsea Pensioners
27. A Capital View - Festival Gardens - Laura Cramer
28. Fine & Gandy - One New Change Passage - David Gandy
29. Woolly Wiggle - One New Change Lower Level - Zandra Rhodes
30. The Guardian – Guildhall, Aldermanbury - Vivi Cuevas
31. Counting Sheep - Barbican Centre, Silk Street Entrance - Gerald Scarfe

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